This week on Uncharted Veterinary Podcast Dr. Andy Roark and Stephanie “Don’t you know that you’re toxic?” Goss are going to the mailbag. “What do you do when the boss, a practice owner DVM, is judging clients and in front of the staff too?” We’re a year into a pandemic, everyone’s grumpy, and fuses can get short. The bosses powder keg is about to explode and they’re demonstrating bad behavior that could impact the team negatively. Having that conversation with them can be really uncomfortable, especially if you’re newer to your practice, but it’s necessary to ensure a healthy work environment. Let’s get into this.
HEADSPACE: Some Things To Keep In Mind.
-Everyone is stressed.
-There are difficult clients, and it’s not easy to work with them.
-It’s okay to feel mad at clients, you choose how you react to those feelings.
-It’s easy to say negative things about clients when they’re not in the building.
-As a leader, you have to have a filter. You have to be a sunshine warrior sometimes.
-Shifting baseline: It will slowly morph into complaining about more and other things.
-Is it kind to let it go and the behavior spread?
-Set expectations for yourself: You do not have the power to change this person.
-If they don’t want to change they won’t.
-Accept a certain lack of control in this situation.
-There needs to be a fundamental level of trust.
This can be a difficult situation to manage but it is possible. In the podcast Stephanie and Andy unpack their action steps and how they would go about having this conversation from two different perspectives; I know this person well and we trust each other, and I’m relatively new and I don’t have the years of trust built between me and this person.
Personal Branding w/Dr. Andy Roark:
April Uncharted Veterinary Conference:
All Links:
UVP 050: It's Bad and the Boss Doesn't Care
UVP 051: Critical Conversations For People Who Hate Conflict
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