What's This Episode About?
This week on the podcast, Dr. Andy Roark and veterinary practice manager Stephanie Goss give their takes on a topic that deserves more attention – team member’s personal pets and the care we give them. The questions specifically asked were:
How do we schedule team member’s pets for care – do we smush them in where we have time when they need it or do we take spots in the paying client schedule?
Do we treat wellness/preventative care visits differently than we do when it's urgent/emergent? Should we treat it differently?
You can listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Discussion Points We Cover:
Things to consider when discussing with your leadership team or considering your veterinary team pet benefit scheduling:
- Are we treating our team like clients?
- A lot of us value patients like extended members of their families. Shouldn’t we be doing the same for our team member’s pets?
- What are some of the external benefits to have team members experience life as a client? And on the flip side, are there internal benefits and what are they?
- How do we balance providing care for team pets when we offer it as a discount? Do we give vets production? Do we have the team pay full price for certain circumstances? How do we help them realize their pet benefits don’t mean free pet care (or do they? Can they?)
Got a question for the mailbag? Submit it here: unchartedvet.com/mailbag
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The Secret Sauce To Optimizing Workflow with Senani Ratnayake, RVT
The way we are doing things isn’t working. At least, not working well. Some inefficiencies might feel normal to us because we've always done it that way and we don't even realize there might be a better way to move forward. This 4-hour workshop is here to help.
Dissect your hospital’s workflow with Senani Ratnayake, RVT so you can get out of the woods in 4 strategic steps. Then, talk through what it will take to get your team on board to lean into your strengths and address your weaknesses.
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