This week on the Uncharted Veterinary Podcast, Dr. Andy Roark and Stephanie Goss tackle not one, not two, but THREE questions from the mail bag.
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The Three questions we addressing today are:
1. I have a question about increasing office call/exam fees. (I haven't done this since opening) Do we just do it and then answer questions when asked? Do we tell clients before we do it? When is the right time? Do we increase across the board? So many questions… but the idea of changing something like this that we look at every day is overwhelming to me.
Thank you!
Dr. Talking About Money Stresses Me Out
2. How do I deal with clients who’ve been sent to collections? Do I automatically send them a termination letter once the account goes to collections, or just flag them in the system should they try to come in again? What happens if they get scheduled again BEFORE someone reads the chart (Shhhhhh… I am not speaking from experience)
Manager who Hates Dealing With Money
3. Stephanie and Andy (note who gets top billing 😉 ,
I have a situation in my hospital that I think I know the answer to, but I wanted to ask for guidance. It may be a topic too sensitive for your podcast…
The techs get to play their personal Pandora or Spotify in the treatment room where clients can’t hear it (especially during curbside when no clients are in the building). I have been letting them play explicit lyrics since clients can’t hear, but I’ve heard several rap songs drop the N-word.
Some context: all of the staff are Caucasian and we are in an area that leans conservative.
1) Is this okay to allow?
2) Is there an easy way to not allow this with making them turn on the non-explicit setting on their service?
I enjoyed your “How to make Saturday’s better” episode about allowing staff to choose their own music, which made me think this could be a topic you would have insights to share.
Signed “Dr. Trying To Be a Good Ally” or “Dr. Music Prude”
Editor: Dustin Bays
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