Congratulations, vet school graduates of 2021! Veterinary school graduation may not have happened in person last year, or for many, this year, but we didn't want you to go without that dose of inspiration that comes with reaching this important milestone! We compiled some of the best advice we got from the Uncharted Veterinary Community as you take the first steps with the letters, “DVM” behind your name. Welcome, new graduate veterinarians, to the best profession in the world!
“Remember with angry clients who say hurtful things – It's almost always not about you. Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about.”
“Listen to your gut, and never be afraid to ask for help!”
“The veterinary technicians you work with are rockstars. They will likely teach you more than you will have ever learned before! They will help you succeed. Be kind to them.”
“Medicine is always changing.”
“As a new grad, you have a lot to offer in regards to fresh knowledge. Don't be afraid to speak up if what you learned isn't what you are seeing practiced – but remember to always assume that what is being practiced was one recommended as best practice. Just because it wasn't what you were taught, doesn't make it wrong – but you have an opportunity to share your fresh knowledge and help your practice improve.”
“Make time for you. Something that brings you joy and doesn't involve animals or veterinary medicine in any way. You need to recharge. You will not be effective otherwise.”
“Always be present and in the moment with your clients. They appreciate your undivided attention, even when we are thinking about 7 other to-dos and cases at the same time.”
“There will be pets that survive terrible things despite us thinking and saying there is no chance, and there will be pets that die when everything went perfectly or we had no reason to expect it.”
“This is not a reflection on our skills, this is the nature of veterinary medicine.”
“Stay connected with your classmates! They will understand what you're going through that first year better than anyone else.”
“Don't be afraid to admit you don't know something BUT you DO know ways you can find out!”
“You are well educated and deserve to be paid for your expertise! Just because you're new doesn't mean you should discount your knowledge.”
Recommended Resources for New Graduate Veterinarians:
The Uncharted Veterinary Community is filled with veterinary professionals whose years of combined experience is matched only by their infectious positivity. Find the coaches, mentors and peers to support you through your first year as a new graduate veterinarian and beyond. We can't wait to see what you'll bring to our profession!
Welcoming a new graduate into your practice? Don't miss our NEW workshop, New Grad Mentorship 2.0 on May 30! Here is a sneak preview list of Dr. Lindsay Gallagher's must-have resources for new graduate veterinarians:
- Blackwell’s 5 Minute Veterinary Consult
- Clinical Veterinary Advisor (Cote)
- Diagnostic Radiology and Ultrasound of the Dog and Cat (Kealy)
- Veterinary Internal Medicine (Ettinger)
- Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Manual (Mathews)
- Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis (Thompson)
- Clinician’s Brief, DVM360, eClinPath
- Don’t forget Plumb's!
- Bonus: TyperTask – Not a medical reference, but a must have tool!
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