Being a veterinary practice manager can be a challenging job and a rewarding one! You are the one with the answers to the questions, the master of challenging conversations, the heart of your practice. Such a diverse position is bound to come with some quirks! We see you. You might be a veterinary practice manager if…
1.You walk into the practice with a hot coffee and end up magically drinking an iced coffee with your lunch.
“Oh! You're here! Just one more question…”

2. Your desk may have been clean this morning but…
No judgments here. Just start with one invoice/post-it/phone message at a time. Does it still spark joy?

3. You are fluent in the languages of the client, veterinary technician, front desk, practice owner, angry Yelp review and industry representatives.
If you're a veterinary practice manager, you know that these languages are often very different. You are a master translator and get your teams on the same page time and time again. Definitely add that to the resumé.

4. You are an IT wizard, finder of the missing [insert absolutely any item found in the practice here], tamer of the frustrated client, mediator of team disagreements, meeting leading machine and practice owner idea translator.
If it's broken, guess who can fix it? You've got your team's back – even if it means climbing into the IT closet to reset the WiFi router in your favorite dress pants.

5. You are a magical unicorn with a brain full of great ideas to lead your practice and team into their best year yet!
Practice managers don't always get the fun puppy and kitten reward that comes with a hard day's work – but you are such an important part of our profession! We appreciate you. Thank you for everything you do, you magical unicorn.

Don't miss the chance to share your practice manager wisdom and meet more unicorn managers just like YOU at our upcoming Practice Manager Summit!
Join the Uncharted Veterinary Community and get the support you need ALL YEAR LONG!