Dr. Andy Roark sits down with Dr. Cherie Buisson to talk about one of her articles on DrAndyRoark.com: 5 Little Phrases For A Happier Workplace. You can read it here: drandyroark.com/five-little-words…appier-workplace/
About Our Guest:
Dr. Cherie Buisson is one of the first Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Veterinarians in the world. She is an international speaker and author. She spends her time in feline-only practice, hospice practice and teaching other veterinary professionals about hospice, euthanasia and compassion fatigue. Dr. Buisson is the owner of Helping Hands Pet Hospice in Seminole, FL as well as the founder of A Happy Vet.
Editor: Dustin Bays
@Bays4Bays Twitter/Instagram