Dr. Andy Roark is a practicing veterinarian, international speaker, author, and media personality. He is the founder of the Uncharted Veterinary Conference and DrAndyRoark.com. He has been an award-winning columnist for DVM360, currently writes for the magazine Today’s Veterinary Business, and his social media, website, podcast, and YouTube show reach millions of people every month.
Jedi Mind Trick – How To Get Doctors to Do What You Want
I’m just a team lead…how can I get a doctor to listen to what I need for my team? The reality is, Team Leads are the voice between their teams and the doctors. Learning how to confidently ask for what is needed and balancing everyone’s needs is a skill! In this session, Dr. Andy Roark will share classic techniques of communication, persuasion and negotiation to help Team Leads successfully affect the behavior of those with greater organizational power.