Meet The Instructor: Amanda Doran
Dr. Amanda Doran is an artist, writer, speaker, and practicing in-home euthanasia veterinarian. She is also Certified in Veterinary Hospice and Palliative Care (CHPV). Dr. Doran’s art, writing, and speaking focus on options for end-of-life care, effective communication strategies, and how to create a more magical and meaningful life by cultivating what she calls Work-Life Resonance.
What to Expect at an Uncharted Workshop
All Uncharted Veterinary Community workshops are LIVE! This is not a typical webinar where you sit silently in front of your screen. These are 1-2 hour Zoom-style meetings where you will meet your instructors, have the chance to ask your questions, and interact with more rockstar veterinary professionals!
Uncharted Members must still be registered to attend.
Have more questions? Check out our Workshops FAQ.
See more upcoming workshops here.