Take Charge of Your Career Like a Boss
Contributed by: Carol Hurst, LVT, CVPM, CVJ Let me paint a picture for you: You’ve been in your current position for six to nine years. It may be your second professional position. It may be your first. You wouldn’t describe yourself as happy, merely content. You’ve settled into this position like a well-worn glove. Any lofty goals you had for yourself when you started on this journey were buried in reality, compassion fatigue, and the truth of what the day-to-day routine…
How To Bust Pet Dental Health Myths with Clients
What crazy pet dental health myths have you heard? Drs. Roark & Hansen are here to bust 'em. (Notes available below the video). Click here to get the notes!
A How-To Guide on Promoting Yourself
Contributed by: Carol Hurst, LVT, CVPM, CVJ Arrogant is defined as having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities. To brag is the act of talking boastfully, and to boast is to show excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one’s achievements, possessions or abilities. If these are the words that come to mind when you even think of talking about something you accomplished or offering your expertise in a certain area, you need to pull up a…
Are We About to See The Death of the Annual Vet Exam?
Contributed by: Mark Olcott, DVM, MBA Veterinary practices historically have been overwhelmingly reliant on the revenue from annual wellness exams to keep their doors open. Not just the primary revenue from the visit itself, but the dentals and procedures and lab work that arise from that visit. I’m increasingly of the opinion that this fairly predictable revenue stream is slowly but surely going away. Why? As with every trend, there are many factors. Some are larger than others, but in…
How This Vet Conference Became a Family (…Before the Event Happened)
“We don't attract cynical people.” This clear statement from Dr. Andy Roark describes how Uncharted Veterinary Conference has become one of the most positive communities in veterinary medicine. Listen below as Dr. Roark & Brandon Breshears (Veterinary Marketing Podcast) discuss how UVC was born.
Why Do I Have To Praise People For Doing Their Job?
Contributed by: Andy Roark, DVM MS I was talking about motivating veterinary support staff at a conference a few years ago when a man in the audience raised his hand. When I called on him, he said, “I have staff who’ve been around for years. Why do I have to keep thanking and praising them for doing the job I’m paying them for?” It’s important to note up front that he was not talking about people who are failing to…
What If Rey from Star Wars Was a Veterinary Practice Manager?
Ever wish you had The Force to help you run your veterinary business? Carol Hurst (Blue Flame Veterinary Consulting) created a quick video to show you what it would be like if you did. Want to meet other innovative veterinary business rock stars like Carol? Join the Uncharted community by registering for either one of our 2018 events (Uncharted 2018, Uncharted: Get Sh*t Done) or UVC Online.
The Path to Practice Ownership
Do you dream of owning a veterinary practice? The right guidance can help you reach your goal. Watch the discussion below featuring Dr. Andy Roark and Sarita Vora, senior loan officer at Live Oak Bank. YES! Send me the notes. Together, Dr. Roark & Sarita will answer questions like: When I try to get a loan, will my student loan debt be a deal breaker? What are the most common reasons people get denied for a loan? Want the notes emailed to…
PODCAST: Dr. Andy Roark & Dr. Dave Nicol
“Don't try to be all things to all people. That's super boring, and it's not going to make you happy. The coolest vets that I know weave together their interests with clinical practice.” – Dr. Andy Roark Catch this episode of Dr. Dave Nicol's Blunt Dissection podcast to hear Dr. Roark & Dr. Nicol discuss everything from networking in vet med to establishing what your career in vet med looks like.
Why Are These Veterinary Professionals… Different?
Veterinary medicine is full of remarkable people, but the attendees of the inaugural Uncharted Veterinary Conference seemed… a little different. Here's why, according to the attendees themselves: 1. They're inspiring “Because in a world of changing technology, increasing demands, and increased veterinary suicide, I have found a group of people who inspire me to be not just a better veterinarian, but a better person and on the days when I feel like I may fall short, they give me the…
Help! I'm Out of Exam Space… Now What?
Is your veterinary practice out of exam space? Are you looking to expand? Dr. Roark and Will Frazier of Live Oak Bank discuss the next steps below. Click here to get the notes! (We'll email them to you). Click here for the notes!
Why Are Veterinarians So Bad at Setting Boundaries?
Setting boundaries and saying “no” are important parts of self-care in veterinary medicine. In the video below, Dr. Jessica Vogelsang (Pawcurious) and Dr. Cherie Buisson (A Happy Vet) discuss what this looks like in action.